Sixes' Kitchen Tours
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Our Catering Manager Gaye Crowther did the first of the kitchen tours for the Sixes this week.
The boys were shown inside our huge walk-in fridge and were able to hold the 5kg pack of cheddar, they saw the contents of the dry store and heard about the daily deliveries of fruit, vegetables, 9 pergols (216 pints) of milk, meat and 20 loaves of 50/50 bread.
Gaye explained how all the equipment worked, including: the Combi ovens which can roast, steam, grill and poach; the brat pan used for stews, mince and pie fillings; double boilers used for custards, sauces and gravies; the huge rumbler which peels the potatoes, the mixer which can take a 70 fresh egg cake mix and temperature gauge which ensures that all food reaches the correct temperature.